H o m e

Hello and welcome to our new Pilates center!

We are excited to announce the opening of our space dedicated to wellness and physical and mental balance. At our center, every detail has been carefully thought out to offer you a unique and revitalizing experience.

From the moment you walk through our doors, you will be greeted by a warm and welcoming environment designed to make you feel at home. Our team of highly trained and passionate Pilates instructors is here to accompany you on every step of your journey to a healthier, more balanced life.

At our center, we believe that Pilates is much more than an exercise routine; it is a way of life that promotes harmony between body and mind. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you will find classes tailored to your needs and levels. Our instructors will guide you with attention and care, ensuring that each movement is performed with precision and effectiveness.

We offer a wide range of classes, from dynamic group sessions to personalized training. In addition, we have created a relaxing and motivating environment, with modern facilities and state-of-the-art equipment, to make every workout an enjoyable and enriching experience.

We deeply value the community we are building and are here to support you on your path to wellness. We believe in the importance of every step you take towards a better version of yourself, and we are committed to helping you reach your goals with enthusiasm and dedication.

We invite you to explore our facility, meet our team and join our classes. Come experience firsthand the positive impact Pilates can have on your life. We are confident that you will find our center a place where you will not only improve your physical health, but also enjoy an inspiring environment full of positive energy.

Thank you for being part of our community from the beginning! We look forward to seeing you soon and accompanying you on your path to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Welcome to your new home for wellness!

T r a i n i n g

Pilates on Mat (Mat Pilates):

Mat Pilates is the most accessible and popular form of Pilates. It is performed on a mat or matting on the floor, using body weight and sometimes small props such as balls or elastic bands to increase resistance. Mat exercises focus on strengthening the core, improving flexibility and coordination, and can be adapted to different skill levels. This modality is ideal for beginners and those looking for an effective practice at home or in a group setting.


Reformer Pilates:

The Reformer is a Pilates equipment that uses a sliding platform and a system of adjustable springs to provide resistance during the exercises. Reformer training allows for a variety of movements and exercises that work different muscle groups in a controlled manner lunubet. This equipment is excellent for improving strength, alignment, flexibility and stability. Reformer workouts are often more personalized, as the equipment can be adjusted according to the needs and levels of individuals.


Cadillac Pilates (Trapeze Table):

The Cadillac, also known as the Trapeze Table, is a larger piece of equipment that includes a bed with bars and springs. It offers a wide range of exercises that allow you to work in suspension and with variable resistance. This equipment is particularly useful for rehabilitation and advanced training, as it provides additional support and allows you to work in a variety of positions. Cadillac exercises help improve core strength, flexibility and alignment, and can be adapted to different needs and abilities.


Chair Pilates:

The Chair is a compact piece of equipment used to perform Pilates exercises on a pedal or spring-loaded bench. Unlike the Reformer and Cadillac, the Chair focuses on more specific movements and can provide an intense workout in a small space. Chair exercises are effective for working core strength, balance and stability, and are ideal for people looking for a challenging workout in a more compact environment.


Pilates on Barrel:

The Barrel, which includes the Ladder Barrel and Spine Corrector, is a piece of equipment used to improve flexibility and spinal alignment. The Ladder Barrel has a barrel-shaped structure with rungs for stretching and strengthening exercises. The Spine Corrector thunderpick, on the other hand, has a curved shape that facilitates stretching and posture adjustments. Both pieces of equipment are useful for deepening flexibility and working on spinal alignment.


Pilates on Small Equipment:

Pilates also uses a variety of small equipment, such as stability balls, elastic bands, Pilates rings and light weights. These props are incorporated into mat and team workouts to add resistance, support and variety to exercises. Each of these accessories offers specific benefits, such as improving stability, increasing strength or working on coordination.


Clinical Pilates:

Clinical Pilates is designed specifically for people with particular health conditions or in the process of rehabilitation. Exercises are tailored to address specific needs, such as low back pain, sports injuries or postural problems rofus. This type of Pilates is often done in collaboration with health professionals, such as physical therapists, to ensure that the exercises are safe and effective for the individual's condition.


Pre and Postnatal Pilates:

Pre and postnatal Pilates is designed for pregnant women and new moms. During pregnancy, Pilates can help maintain strength and flexibility playbet, and prepare for childbirth. After delivery, it can be helpful for recovery, strengthening the core and helping to regain fitness. Exercises are carefully tailored to address specific needs and ensure safety for both mother and baby.


Pilates is a discipline that has gained popularity worldwide due to its multiple benefits for physical and mental health. This form of exercise is based on a series of controlled and precise movements that strengthen the body and promote stability. Below, we will explore in detail how Pilates can transform your overall well-being.

One of the main benefits of Pilates is improved core strength. The core refers to the muscles surrounding the abdomen, pelvis and lower back lunubet. By focusing on these deep muscles, Pilates helps stabilize the spine and improve posture. This not only provides a solid foundation for other movements, but also helps prevent and relieve lower back pain and other discomforts associated with improper posture.

“Find your inner balance with every movement, and let Pilates show you your true strength.”

In addition to strengthening the core, Pilates is excellent for increasing flexibility. Pilates exercises include stretches and movements that work on muscle length and elasticity. As you improve in your practice, you will notice a greater range of motion in the joints and a reduction in muscle stiffness thunderpick. This not only makes daily activities easier, but also decreases the risk of injury and improves performance in other physical activities.

Another key benefit of Pilates is improved alignment and balance. Through controlled and precise movements, Pilates encourages better body awareness. You learn to move your body more efficiently and maintain proper alignment during exercises and in everyday life. This body awareness and proper alignment help reduce the risk of injury and improve overall coordination.

. Core Strengthening
. Improving Flexibility and Mobility
. Focus on Technique and Body Awareness

Pilates is also known for its focus on breathing. The practice of Pilates teaches deep, controlled breathing techniques that not only optimize performance during exercises, but also help reduce stress and tension. Proper breathing improves oxygenation of the muscles, which contributes to faster recovery and an overall sense of well-being.

In addition to the physical benefits, Pilates also has a positive impact on mental health. The concentration required during Pilates rofus exercises helps free the mind from daily stress and worries. By focusing on your breathing and movement control, you enter a state of mindfulness that promotes relaxation and emotional balance.

Stress and Anxiety Reduction.
Improved Concentration and Mental Clarity.
Increased Self-Esteem and Confidence

Pilates is a versatile practice that adapts to different fitness levels and needs. It can be modified for people with injuries or special conditions, and is suitable for beginners and experienced athletes alike. The customization of the exercises allows each individual to work on their specific areas of improvement, whether it is strengthening certain muscles, improving flexibility or recovering from an injury. In short, Pilates offers a number of benefits that go beyond simple physical exercise. It strengthens the core, improves flexibility, promotes better alignment and balance, and helps reduce stress. With regular practice, you'll experience greater body awareness, improved posture and an overall sense of well-being playbet. Whether you're looking to improve your physical health, increase your flexibility or find an effective way to relieve stress, Pilates has something to offer you on your path to a more balanced and healthy life.

R e h a b i l i t a t i o n

1. Rehabilitation of Back Injuries:

Pilates is widely used to treat and prevent low back pain and other back injuries. The exercises focus on strengthening the core muscles, which provide support to the spine. This can help reduce pressure on the intervertebral discs and improve posture, which in turn relieves pain and prevents future injury lunubet. Specific exercises can be aimed at strengthening the extensor muscles of the spine, improving pelvic mobility and stretching tight muscles.


2. Rehabilitation of Shoulder Injuries:

Shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff syndrome or tendonitis, can benefit from Pilates by working on stabilizing and strengthening the musculature around the shoulder. Pilates exercises help improve joint mobility and strengthen the muscles that support the shoulder, which can facilitate recovery and improve functionality. In addition, the focus on control and alignment can help correct incorrect movement patterns that contribute to pain and dysfunction.


3. Rehabilitation of Knee Injuries:

El Pilates can be useful in the rehabilitation of knee injuries, such as sprains, tendonitis or iliotibial band syndrome. Through controlled exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings and hip muscles, Pilates helps stabilize the joint and improve range of motion. Focusing on alignment and proper technique can also reduce the risk of recurring injuries.


4. Post-surgical rehabilitation:

After surgery, such as hip or knee replacement surgery, Pilates can be an integral part of the recovery process. Pilates exercises help restore strength, mobility and stability to the affected joint, and improve overall coordination and balance. The workouts are tailored to work within the safe range of motion and promote a gradual and effective recovery.


5. Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries:

For athletes who have suffered injuries, such as sprains, muscle strains or ligament injuries, Pilates offers a rehabilitative approach that helps regain the functional strength and flexibility needed for athletic performance lunubet. Exercises are tailored to address the specific injury and improve muscle balance and alignment, which helps prevent future injuries and accelerate return to sport.


6. Rehabilitation of Neuromuscular Conditions:

El Pilates is beneficial for people with neuromuscular conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease. Pilates exercises can improve muscle strength, coordination and mobility, and help maintain overall functionality thunderpick. The focus on body control and postural awareness is particularly helpful in improving quality of life in these conditions.


7. Rehabilitation of Postural Dysfunctions:

Para those with postural dysfunctions, such as kyphosis or lordosis, Pilates offers exercises that work on correcting posture and strengthening postural muscles rofus. The emphasis on correct alignment and core strengthening helps to improve overall posture and alleviate discomfort associated with poor alignment.


8. Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation:

Pilates can also be beneficial for pelvic floor rehabilitation, especially in postpartum women or women with dysfunctions such as urinary incontinence playbet. Pilates exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve awareness and control over this area, which helps prevent and treat problems related to pelvic floor function.

S t a f f

Velkommen til MIND & BODY-teamet - PILATES

Vi er glade for at kunne præsentere vores team af Pilates-eksperter, som er her for at guide dig hele vejen på din rejse mod velvære og balance. Med en kombination af erfaring, passion og dedikation er vores fagfolk forpligtet til at tilbyde dig en transformerende og berigende oplevelse. Mød medlemmerne af vores team:

Sofie er pilatesinstruktør med stor erfaring i at arbejde med forskellige niveauer af evner og fysiske tilstande. Hun fokuserer på forbindelsen mellem krop og sind og bruger Pilates til at fremme dyb kropsbevidsthed og optimal tilpasning. Sofie er kendt for sin evne til at skræddersy øvelser til hver persons individuelle behov og skabe et støttende og udviklende miljø. Hendes passion for pilates og hendes dedikation til sundhed og velvære gør hende til en enestående guide på din vej mod et mere afbalanceret liv.
Anna er pilates-specialist med en stærk baggrund inden for rehabilitering og funktionel træning. Hendes erfaring med at arbejde med skader og særlige tilstande giver hende mulighed for at designe personlige træningsprogrammer, der fremmer restitution og styrkelse thunderpick. Anna tror på vigtigheden af præcision og kontrol i alle bevægelser og er engageret i at hjælpe sine klienter med at nå deres mål på en sikker og effektiv måde. Hendes professionelle og empatiske tilgang sikrer, at hver session er en mulighed for at bevæge sig mod et bedre helbred.
Mette er en instruktør med en passion for pilates og holistisk sundhed. Med en mangfoldig baggrund i forskellige pilates-teknikker og en dyb forståelse af anatomi og biomekanik tilbyder Mette en detaljeret og personlig tilgang til hver session. Hendes rofus mål er at inspirere sine klienter til at udforske potentialet i deres krop og sind gennem øvelser, der styrker, strækker og balancerer. Mette positive energi og engagement skaber et motiverende og indbydende miljø for alle, der ønsker at forbedre deres generelle velbefindende.
Lars er pilatesekspert med fokus på præstationsoptimering og skadesforebyggelse. Med en stærk baggrund inden for atletisk træning og en passion for pilates kombinerer Lars avancerede teknikker til at levere træning playbet, der forbedrer styrke, fleksibilitet og stabilitet. Hans analytiske og detaljerede tilgang til biomekanik gør det muligt for hans klienter at opnå en høj grad af effektivitet i deres bevægelser. Lars er forpligtet til at levere træning af høj kvalitet, der driver hver enkelt frem mod deres personlige mål.